This documentation uses coloring to differ between different type of information. Below, these annotations and colors are described.
Command Line#
If you encounter something like this:
netconvert --visum=MyVisumNet.inp
you should know that this is a call on the command line. There may be also a '\' at the end of a line. This indicates that you have to continue typing without pressing return (ignoring both the '\' and the following newline). The following example means exactly the same as the one above:
netconvert --visum=MyVisumNet.inp \
Application Options#
Command line option names are normally colored this way. Their values <LIKE THIS> .
XML Examples#
XML-elements and attributes are shown like this
. Their values, if variable,
Complete examples of XML-Files are shown like the following:
<myElem myAttr1="0" myAttr2="0.0"/>
<myElem myAttr1="1" myAttr2="-500.0"/>
Referenced Data Types#
- <BOOL>: a boolean value, use "t" or "true" and "f" or "false" for encoding
- <INT>: an integer value, may be negative
- <UINT>: an unsigned integer value, must be >=0
- <FLOAT>: a floating point number
- <TIME>: time, given in seconds; fractions are allowed, e.g. "12.1"
- <STRING>: any string, but use ASCII-characters only
<ID>: a string which must not contain the following characters: '#'
The list of not allowed characters is incomplete
- <FILE> or <FILENAME>: the (relative or absolute) path to a file; see also #Referenced File Types
- <PATH>: a (a relative or absolute) path (usually to a folder)
- <COLOR>: a quadruple of floats separated by ',' (<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>), which describe the red, green, blue, and alpha component ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 (the alpha component is optional), alternatively the list may contain integers in the 0-255 range. Please note that the separator must be a comma and there are no spaces allowed. The color may also be defined using a single string with a HTML color code or one of the basic colors ("red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "cyan", "magenta", "black", "white", "grey"). The value of "random" will assign a random color.
- <2D-POSITION>: two floats separated by ',' (<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>), which describe the x- and the y-offset, respectively. z is 0 implicitly
- <3D-POSITION>: three floats separated by ',' (<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>), which describe the x- , y- and the z-offset, respectively
- <POSITION-VECTOR>: A list of 2D- or 3D-Positions separate by ' '. I.e. (<2D-POSITION> <2D-POSITION>,<3D-POSITION>)
- <2D-BOUNDING_BOX>: four floats separated by ',' (<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>,<FLOAT>), which describe x-minimum, y-minimum, x-maximum, and y-maximum
- <PROJ_DEFINITION>: a string containing the projection definition as used by proj.4; please note that you have to embed the definition string in quotes
Referenced File Types#
- <NETWORK_FILE>: a SUMO network file as built by netgenerate or netconvert
- <ROUTES_FILE>: a SUMO routes file as built by duarouter or jtrrouter or by hand
- <TYPE_FILE>: a SUMO edge type file, built by hand or downloaded
- <OSM_FILE>: a OpenStreetMap file as exported from OpenStreetMap
Further Schemes#
Brackets '[' and ']' indicate that the enclosed information is optional. Brackets '<' and '>' indicate a variable - insert your own value in here.
<SUMO_HOME> is the path you have saved your SUMO-package into.