SUMOPlayer was removed in release 0.24.0. You should be able to use for the same task.
- Location: The build-file and the sources can be found in <SUMO_DIST>/tools/contributed/sumoplayer
- Language: Java >=1.5
- Author: Michael Willigens
# This is file gives a brief overview on SUMPlayer usage.
# SUMOPlayer can be used to play SUMO network-dump files
# in realtime (if possible) to latitude/longitude coordinates.
# It can be customized in any way by implemting
# de.psi.telco.sumoplayer.SUMOLocationListener
# SEE:
# public interface SUMOLocationListener {
# public void LocationUpdated(String vehicleId, int timestep, double lon, double lat, double speed);
# }
# You can call SUMOPlayer with your own implementation by using the
# -l "<classname>" parameter.
# If not used, SUMOPlayer uses STDOUT CVS style like:
# <vehicle_id>|<timestep>|<lon>|<lat>|<speed>
# Eclipse integration is easily possible by:
# new-project -> from existing ant buildfile (build.xml)
# see possible ant tasks:
$> ant -projecthelp
# compile
$> ant sumoplayer.jar
# run sumoPlayer with:
$> ant
# ... or even better integrated in your project by jarfile:
$> java -jar sumoplayer.jar
# possible parameters:
# ANT param # description
# JAR param
-Dnetfile=<sumo_network_xml_file> # the used sumo network file
-n # needed for geo coordinate lookups
-Dndump=<sumo_ndump_xml_file> # sumo network-dump simulation file
-Dequipped=<propability> # a floating value between 0 and 1
-e # defining the number of tracked
# vehicles. 0.01 is 1%
-Djitter=<value_in_meters> # a random GPS jitter in meters
-Dlistener=<full_java_classname> # the used java implementation of
-l # SUMOLocationListener
# default:
# de.psi.telco.sumoplayer.SUMOPipedLocationListener
# (stdout CSV style data)
$> ant javadoc # creates JAVA DOCS in /build/javadoc
Additional Information#
You can run the player as following:
sumo ... --no-step-log --netstate-dump - | java -jar SUMOPlayer.jar -d - -c <propability> -n <used_network_file> ...
("-" redirects the dump to stdout)
The basic functionality is as following
- the player reads the network file for projection information
- the player reads projected lanes
- the player tries to put each output into one second
- the player chooses vehicles randomly
- the player writes the longitude and latitude of every vehicle into a file or prints them