C++ TraCIAPI client library#
The C++ TraCIAPI is client library that is part of the SUMO-source tree. The library can be downloaded as part of the source distribution. Example code that uses the library is at <SUMO_HOME>/src/traci_testclient/TraCITestClient.cpp. Doxygen-generated documentation can be found here
Building the Library#
To build the library without building SUMO, the following dependencies from the SUMO-source directory must be present:
Additionally, the file config.h must be present but these files can be left empty. If SUMO was built, they can either be found in the src or the cmake-build/src directory)
If you chose to copy all these files into the same directory, the include paths in TraCIAPI.h and TraCIAPI.cpp need to be patched as well.
Building on Windows#
The file ws2_32.lib must be added to the linker files in the project properties (it contains the windows socket calls) to avoid linker errors.
The TraCI-Testclient is an application for testing the server side of the TRaCI-API. When using it as the basis for your own control script one needs to be aware of its two operating modes:
Feeding raw TraCI commands to SUMO#
In this operating mode, the full TraCI-API is supported. Example input files typically look like:
repeat 50 simstep2 0
setvalue 0xc4 0x31 veh0 <string> e_vo0
simstep2 200
This mode is meant for testing the server side and is unsuitable for building a control program that mixes TraCI calls with custom code.
Testing the TraCIAPI client library#
In this mode the client library itself is used. Example code looks like:
SUMOTime t = simulation.getCurrentTime();
std::vector<std::string> = edge.getIDList();
Example Code#
#include <iostream>
#include <utils/traci/TraCIAPI.h>
class Client : public TraCIAPI {
Client() {};
~Client() {};
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Client client;
client.connect("localhost", 1337);
std::cout << "time in s: " << client.simulation.getTime() << "\n";
std::cout << "run 5 steps ...\n";
std::cout << "time in s: " << client.simulation.getTime() << "\n";
compiling (make sure SUMO_HOME is set)#
g++ -o test -I$SUMO_HOME/src TraCIAPITest.cpp $SUMO_HOME/src/utils/traci/TraCIAPI.cpp $SUMO_HOME/src/foreign/tcpip/socket.cpp $SUMO_HOME/src/foreign/tcpip/storage.cpp
sumo -c test.sumocfg --remote-port 1337 &