netconvert, netgenerate, and netedit allow to generate additional output files besides writing a SUMO network file. They will be presented in the following.
Writing/Exporting Networks#
If no other output option is given, netconvert and netgenerate will write the result of network import/generation as a SUMO network file into "". Otherwise the specified output will be generated.
Currently, the applications allow to write networks in the following formats:
- SUMO road networks
- plain XML definitions, as described in Networks/Building Networks from own XML-descriptions
- MATsim networks
SUMO Road Networks#
This is the default output format, see above. The name of the file to write the network into can be given using the option --output-file <FILE>. --sumo-output <FILE> and --output <FILE> are synonyms.
Plain XML Output#
Parsed node and edge definitions may be saved into a XML-files which have the same formats as the ones used for importing XML-networks (as described in Node Descriptions and Edge Descriptions). This shall ease processing of networks read from other formats than XML. The option --plain-output <FILE> forces netconvert and netgenerate to generate a file named "<FILE>.nod.xml" which contains the previously imported nodes, a file named "<FILE>.edg.xml" which contains the previously imported edges, and a file named "<FILE>.con.xml" which contains the previously imported connections. The edge file will contain the list of previously read edges and each edge will have the information about the edge's id, the allowed velocity, the number of lanes, and the from/to - nodes stored. Geometry information is stored only if the imported edge has a shape, meaning that it is not only a straight connection between the from/to-nodes. The lane spread type and the basic edge type are only saved if differing from defaults ("right" and "normal", respectively). Additionally, if one of the lanes prohibits/allows vehicle classes, this information is saved, too (see also "Defining allowed Vehicle Types").
MATsim Road Networks#
To write the imported/generated network as a MATsim file, use the option --matsim-output <FILE>. The extension for MATsim networks is usually ".xml".
Please note that the capacity is computed by multiplying an edge's lane number with the capacity norm:
The value of CAPACITY_NORM is controlled via the option --capacity-norm <FLOAT> (default: 1800).
OpenDRIVE Road Networks#
To write the imported/generated network as a OpenDRIVE file (version 1.4), use the option --opendrive-output <FILE>. The extension for OpenDRIVE networks is usually ".xodr".
Some notes:
- The feature is currently under implementation
- the normal ones- the road
is always set to "town
" for the complete street - the lane
is set to either biking, sidewalk, tram, none or driving according to the edge permissions. link
- The road is always connected to the nodes it is outgoing
) / incoming (successor
) from/to
- The road is always connected to the nodes it is outgoing
- the geometry is given as lines and paramPoly3
- no road widenings are modeled - if the number of lanes changes, the road changes
is written if the network contains 3D geometrieslateralProfile
does not contain relevant information- the roads are always unidirectional, this means only the center lane and the right lanes are given
do not contain relevant information
- the road
Recommended options
- --junctions.scurve-stretch 1.0. This elongates junction shapes to allow for smooth transitions (values around 1.0 can be used to reduced or increase stretching)
- --output.original-names. This records the edge IDs from the corresponding .net.xml within
<userData sumoID="..."/>
elements as children of the<road>
Embedding Road Objects#
To include road objects in the generated xodr-output, the following conditions must be met:
- a polygon file is loaded with
elements that encode a rectangular shape (4 points) by setting the option --polygon-files <FILE> - edges include the generic
<param key="roadObjects" value="POLY_D1 POLY_ID2 ... POLY_IDK"/>
Such edges will receive the polygon objects with the indicated IDs as road objects
Conversion of .net.xml file with python tool net2geojson
Conversion of .net.xml file with python tool net2kml
Further Outputs#
Public Transport Stops#
The option --ptstop-output <FILE> causes an additional-file to be written that contains <busStop/>
elements for the
imported network. These can be loaded directly into
sumo or further modified with
Public Transport Lines#
The option --ptline-output <FILE> causes a data file to be written that contains information on public transport lines. These can be processed further to generate public transport schedules for simulating public transport and intermodal traffic. This is done automatically when using the osmWebWizard tool
The ptline data format is described below:
<ptLine id="0" name="M2: Alexanderplatz to Heinersdorf" line="M2"
type="tram" period="1200" completeness="0.11">
<busStop id="-1615531689" name="S+U Alexanderplatz/Dircksenstraße"/>
<busStop id="30732068" name="Memhardstraße"/>
The above describes a public transport line which serves two stops with a period of 1200 seconds. The line name as well as the stop names are optional and only serve to enhance human reader comprehension. The tram type is one of the recognized public transport types from OSM (other allowed types are train,subway,light_rail,monorail,trolleybus,aerialway,ferry). The line attribute will be used in the simulation when distinguishing public transport lines. The optional completeness attribute serves to inform the human reader that the stops only descibe 11% of the complete line. Incomplete lines are typical when importing only a part of the complete public transport network.
Information on Joined Junctions#
The option --junctions.join-output <FILE> causes a file to be written that specifies the junctions which were joined (usualy due to option --junctions.join). The resulting output file is suitable for loading with the --node-files option.
Street Signs#
The option --street-sign-output <FILE> causes a file with POIs to be written. These POIs encode the type of street signs that are encountered on each edge and can be loaded as additional-file in sumo-gui. Currently used sign types are:
- priority
- yield
- stop
- allway_stop
- right_before_left
Parking Areas#
Currently, importing road-side parking areas from OSM is supported by setting the option ----parking-output <FILE>
OpenDRIVE road objects#
When loading an OpenDRIVE file, embedded road objects can be imported as well.
Railway Topology#
The option --railway.topology.output causes a file for analyzing the topology of railway networks to be written. This is useful when analyzing network problems in regard to bi-directional track usage and to evaluate the effect of option
Additional Information within the output file#
The option --output.street-names <BOOL> ensures that street names from suitable input networks such as OSM or OpenDrive are included in the generated .net.xml file.
When reading or writing OpenDrive networks, the option --output.original-names <BOOL> writtes additional data for mapping between sumo-ids and OpenDrive-ids into the generated networks.