Native SUMO Files#
To ease the usage of the supplied files, all of which are within a XML-derivate, we use a naming convention for the file extensions to allow a distinction between the contents at first sight. The list of used extensions is shown below. We of course highly encourage you to use this pattern.
All SUMO applications can read and write gzipped XML files as well. For input files this is detected automatically (independent of the filename), if you want to have a gzipped output file just add the .gz suffix to the output filename (e.g.
- Configuration files (always the first four letters of the
corresponding executable with "cfg" appended)
- *.sumocfg (formerly .sumo.cfg): Configuration file for sumo and sumo-gui (xsd)
- *.netccfg (formerly .netc.cfg): Configuration file for netconvert (xsd)
- *.netgcfg (formerly .netg.cfg): Configuration file for netgenerate (xsd)
- *.duarcfg (formerly .rou.cfg): Configuration file for duarouter (xsd)
- *.jtrrcfg (formerly .jtr.cfg): Configuration file for jtrrouter (xsd)
- *.dfrocfg (formerly .df.cfg): Configuration file for dfrouter (xsd)
- *.od2tcfg (formerly .od2t.cfg): Configuration file for od2trips (xsd)
- *.acticfg (formerly .act.cfg): Configuration file for activitygen (xsd)
- Data files
- *.net.xml: network file (xsd, description)
- *.rou.xml: routes file (xsd, description)
- *.rou.alt.xml: route alternatives file (xsd, description)
- *.add.xml:
sumo/sumo-gui - additional-file
(xsd, missing description)
- traffic lights only (xsd, missing description)
- *.edg.xml: netconvert - edges file (xsd, description)
- *.nod.xml: netconvert - nodes file (xsd, description)
- *.con.xml: netconvert- connection file (xsd, description)
- *.typ.xml: netconvert- edge types file (xsd, description)
- *.trips.xml: trip definitions for duarouter,sumo (description)
- *.flows.xml: flow definitions for jtrrouter,duarouter,sumo (description)
- *.turns.xml: turn and sink definitions for jtrrouter (xsd, description)
- *.taz.xml: traffic analysis zones (or districts) file mainly for od2trips,duarouter,sumo (xsd) (description)
- Output files
- *.xml: inductive loop output (xsd, description
- *.xml: areal lane detector output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: areal lane detector output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: emissions output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: fcd output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: full output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: meandata output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: netstate output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: queue output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: summary output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: tripinfo output (xsd, description)
- *.xml: vtypeprobe output (xsd, description)
- Other files
- *.xml: edge diff (xsd, missing description)
Imported Files#
- *.osm: OpenStreetMap XML databases as imported by netconvert and polyconvert, see OpenStreetMap file
- *.xodr: OpenDRIVE XML network files as imported by netconvert
- *.inp: VISSIM network files as imported by netconvert
- *.net: VISUM network files as imported by netconvert and polyconvert, see Networks/Import/VISUM
- *.shp, *.shx, *.dbf: ArcView-network descriptions (shapes, shape indices, definitions) as imported by netconvert and polyconvert
- *.xml:
- MATSim road networks as imported by netconvert, see Networks/Import/MATsim
Exported Files#
- *.xml:
- MATSim road networks, see Networks/Further Outputs
- OMNET: mobility-traces, see Tools/TraceExporter
- Shawn: snapshot-files, see Tools/TraceExporter
- *.xodr: OpenDRIVE XML network, see Networks/Further Outputs
- *.tcl: ns2/ns3 trace-files, activity-files, and mobility-files, see Tools/TraceExporter
- *.dri, *.str, *.fzp, *.flt: PHEM input files, see Tools/TraceExporter
- unknown:
- GPSDAT, see Tools/TraceExporter